The Jewels Of Srimad Bhagavatam
Srimad Bhagavatam is the ornament on the forehead of the personification of all Puranas. Vyasa Bhagavan on the inspirations from Narada Maharshi wrote a gem of a Purana, containing only the virtues of Lord Sri Krishna and those of His devotees. There are many invaluable stuthis,, life stories of many many Bhagavad bhaktas like Gajendra, Prahlada, Druva, Vritra, etc. All these jewels and pearls are the fancy links of a beautiful garland, called BHAGAVATAM. In fact, every word in the Bhagavatam is a jewel-like ornament whose value is unimaginable. And the undersigned is trying to do the impossible to choose the JEWELs of Srimad Bhagavatam !! Can one choose one good sand from a white sand beach? But Bhagavatam is not just the beach of sand. It's the beach of Jewels, Pearls, Rubies, and many other precious stones. And the undersigned on a Bhagavata-beach walk finds and picks up the jewels, as a layman and is happy to share his finds, with you all.
निगमकल्पतरोर्गलितं फलं
शुकमुखादमृतद्रवसंयुतम् ।
पिबत भागवतं रसमालयं
मुहुरहो रसिका भुवि भावुका:॥ B-1/1/3
Here, Vyasadeva disagrees with the undersigned. He says this is not a jewel, this is a ripe fruit, the juice of which is given by Sree Sukadeva, ready to be drunk. It's the ripe fruit of the Kalpa-Tharu called the VEDAS, and the juice is nectar that should be consumed till once liberation.
नमस्ये पुरुषं त्वाद्यमीश्वरं प्रकृते: परम् ।
अलक्ष्यं सर्वभूतानामन्तर्बहिरवस्थितम् ॥ B-1/8/18
Kunti Devi says to Krishna, I know you are the original Parama Purusha, who is beyond all the material world, who is in every living being yet outside of them, and who is invisible to anyone. He's above all the material cosmos.
विपदः सन्तु नः शश्वत्तत्र तत्र जगद्गुरो
भवतो दर्शनं यत्स्यादपुनर्भवदर्शनम् ।। B-1/8/25
This is in fact a pearl among the jewels. Kunti requests a boon of the rare nature. She prays for calamities all the time because at times of difficulties only, one thinks of God and He comes for the help. And His Darshanam itself is the liberation from this mundane birth-death cycle. Can we too agree with Kunti Devi?
सत्सङ्गान्मुक्तदु:सङ्गो हातुं नोत्सहते बुध: ।
कीर्त्यमानं यशो यस्य सकृदाकर्ण्य रोचनम् ॥ B-1/10/11
The intelligent souls, who associate with sat-sanghis and disassociate with bad characters will always like to listen and to recite God's glories. We too fall in this bracket, though we have heard Bhagavatam many many times, every time it's a new experience.
नित्यं निरीक्षमाणानां यदपि द्वारकौकसाम् ।
न वितृप्यन्ति हि दृश: श्रियो धामाङ्गमच्युतम् ॥ B-1/11/25
Even though Dwaraka dwellers see Krishna every day, they are never satisfied and would like to see the infallible beauty of Sree Krishna again and again. Are we fortunate enough?
अहस्तानि सहस्तानामपदानि चतुष्पदाम् ।
फल्गूनि तत्र महतां जीवो जीवस्य जीवनम् ॥ B-1/13/46
This general rule is more apt for the present than any other time.
Weaker ones are ruled by the powerful. All the living beings are prey to other mighty ones.
तत्राभवद्भगवान् व्यासपुत्रो
यदृच्छया गामटमानोऽनपेक्ष: ।
अलक्ष्यलिङ्गो निजलाभतुष्टो
वृतश्च बालैरवधूतवेष: ॥ B-1/19/25This is the real JEWEL of the Bhagavatam. An Atma Rama, self-realized soul, who has no identification of any group, who travels all over the world without any expectation, who has dressed up like an Avadhootha, surrounded by women and children, and appearing here for narrating the BHAGAVATAM to King Parikshit who has only seven more days to live. The Golden line is that how this realized soul can have unalloyed devotion towards Krishna. And the one who does not stay at one place for more than a cow-milking time, how could he sit at one spot for seven days continuously. Only a genius, Jewel could !!
पिबन्ति ये भगवत आत्मन: सतां
कथामृतं श्रवणपुटेषु सम्भृतम् ।
पुनन्ति ते विषयविदूषिताशयं
व्रजन्ति तच्चरणसरोरुहान्तिकम् ॥ B-2/2/37
The most dearests of the devotees, get out of the material enjoyments of this mundane existence, and go to the lotus feet of Guruvayurappa, if they can drink this Bhagavata Amrutham, through their ears fully filled.
तपस्विनो दानपरा यशस्विनो
मनस्विनो मन्त्रविद: सुमङ्गला: ।
क्षेमं न विन्दन्ति विना यदर्पणं
तस्मै सुभद्रश्रवसे नमो नम: ॥ B-2/4/17Let us pay our obeisances to the Lord who is auspicious to be heard about, and whom, learned sages, givers of charities, famous ones, philosophers, mantra chanters, followers of Vedas,
worship to get Kshemam{welfare}.
अहो बकी यं स्तनकालकूटं
जिघांसयापाययदप्यसाध्वी ।
लेभे गतिं धात्र्युचितां ततोऽन्यं
कं वा दयालुं शरणं व्रजेम ॥ B-3/3/23Let us take shelter of the Lord, who grants liberation, even to his enemies, like Putana who desired to kill him with poison. Because she just acted as His mother even though fraudulently.
प्राणस्य शोधयेन्मार्गं पूरकुम्भकरेचकै: ।
प्रतिकूलेन वा चित्तं यथा स्थिरमचञ्चलम् ॥ B-3/26/9We can do these breathing exercises every day in order to keep our respiratory systems in good health. These allow us to breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. With the passage of oxygen, cleared by inhaling very deeply the vital air, then holding it for some time, and then exhaling it; the process can also be done in the reverse order also.
अत्रैव नरक: स्वर्ग इति मात: प्रचक्षते ।
या यातना वै नारक्यस्ता इहाप्युपलक्षिता: ॥ B/30/28Kapila Deva tells Devahoothi: Mother! it is said that Hell and Heaven are visible, here on this planet itself, wealthy people are enjoying the earth as their heaven and the poor are suffering, the criminals are suffering the hellish punishments. Or in other words, Hell and Heaven are our own creations on this planet.
त्रयाणामेकभावानां यो न पश्यति वै भिदाम् ।
सर्वभूतात्मनां ब्रह्मन् स शान्तिमधिगच्छति ॥ B-4/7/54Those who consider Siva, Brahma, and Vishnu, not separate from the Poorna Brahmam, only get eternal peace of mind. This should totally reject the different groups in our society, calling themselves Vaishnavas and Saivas, etc. How shameful it
is to berate one another on these counts.
योऽन्त: प्रविश्य मम वाचमिमां प्रसुप्तां
सञ्जीवयत्यखिलशक्तिधर: स्वधाम्ना ।
अन्यांश्च हस्तचरणश्रवणत्वगादीन्
प्राणान्नमो भगवते पुरुषाय तुभ्यम् ॥ B-4/9/6
Dhruva realizes that it's the Lord who is entering our body and enlivens our sense organs and we are experiencing the actions, we are not the doers of our Karma.
गुरुर्न स स्यात्स्वजनो न स स्यात्
पिता न स स्याज्जननी न सा स्यात् ।
दैवं न तत्स्यान्न पतिश्च स स्या-
न्न मोचयेद्य: समुपेतमृत्युम् ॥ B-5/5/18Rishabha Deva, the 24th, Jain Theerthankar, instructs his 100 sons that one who can not show the ways of liberation from these mundane birth-death cycles should not become one's spiritual guru, father, husband, mother, or even a God.
ज्ञानासिनेहैव विवृक्णमोह: ।
हरिं तदीहाकथनश्रुताभ्यां
लब्धस्मृतिर्यात्यतिपारमध्वन: B-5/12/16Associated with Sat-sages, cutting off illusions for material worldly enjoyments with the knife of knowledge, one can serve the Lord by chanting and listening to His Guna Kathas, And thus can advance to the ultimate goal of uniting with the Supreme.
यन्नाम श्रुतमनुकीर्तयेदकस्मा-
दार्तो वा यदि पतित: प्रलम्भनाद्वा ।
हन्त्यंह: सपदि नृणामशेषमन्यं
कं शेषाद्भगवत आश्रयेन्मुमुक्षु: ॥ B-5/25/11The fallen and suffering people, who, even jokingly, hear and chant the lord Sesha's names will regain the lost values and attain liberation instantly.
यमदूता ऊचु:
वेदप्रणिहितो धर्मो ह्यधर्मस्तद्विपर्यय: ।
वेदो नारायण: साक्षात्स्वयम्भूरिति शुश्रुम ॥ B-6/1/40Dharma is what prescribed by the Vedas and its opposite is irreligion. The Vedas are really the God Himself and are self-born, The Yama Dhoothas tell the Vishnu Parshadas as they heard from the Yama Raja.
साङ्केत्यं पारिहास्यं वा स्तोभं हेलनमेव वा ।
वैकुण्ठनामग्रहणमशेषाघहरं विदु: ॥ B-6/2/14The one who chants Lord's name is immediately freed from all his sins, even if he does it jokingly, indirectly, neglectfully, or as musical entertainment.
अजातपक्षा इव मातरं खगा:
स्तन्यं यथा वत्सतरा: क्षुधार्ता: ।
प्रियं प्रियेव व्युषितं विषण्णा
मनोऽरविन्दाक्ष दिदृक्षते त्वाम् ॥ B-6/11/26Vritra is longing to see the LORD, as baby bird eagerly awaits Mummy bird for food, as hungry calves looking for milk from the mother, or as the lover longing to see her beloved.
यदा देवेषु वेदेषु गोषु विप्रेषु साधुषु ।
धर्मे मयि च विद्वेष: स वा आशु विनश्यति ॥ B-7/4/27If one carries enmity, towards Vedas, Brahmanas, Vaishnavas, Cows Dharma and ultimately towards Krishna, will perish immediately.
श्रवणं कीर्तनं विष्णो: स्मरणं पादसेवनम् ।
अर्चनं वन्दनं दास्यं सख्यमात्मनिवेदनम् ॥ B-7/5/23On Hiranyakashipu's inquiry, Prahlada describes the highest learning is to know what is the best devotion service, and in this connection, he describes the above nine ways to serve the Lord. We can practice with any one of them if not all.
कौमार आचरेत्प्राज्ञो धर्मान्भागवतानिह ।
दुर्लभं मानुषं जन्म तदप्यध्रुवमर्थदम् ॥ B-7/6/1Since the human body is rare and short-lived, one should practice devotional services from the tender age itself.
यदृच्छयोपपन्नेन सन्तुष्टो वर्तते सुखम् ।
नासन्तुष्टस्त्रिभिर्लोकैरजितात्मोपसादितै: ॥ B-8/19/24One should be satisfied with what he has achieved because discontentment is the source of unhappiness. If the mind is not controlled, all the wealth of the three worlds can not give satisfaction.
उत्तमश्चिन्तितं कुर्यात् प्रोक्तकारी तु मध्यम: ।
अधमोऽश्रद्धया कुर्यादकर्तोच्चरितं पितु: ॥ B-9/18/44A son who acts by anticipating what his father wants him to do is first class, one who acts upon receiving his father’s order is second class, and one who executes his father’s order irreverently is third class. But a son who refuses his father’s order is like his father’s waste.
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य क्षयो वृद्धिश्च पाप्मन: ।
तदा तु भगवानीश आत्मानं सृजते हरि: ॥ B-9/24/56
When ever the Dharma deteriorates, GOD descends on earth.
सत्यव्रतं सत्यपरं त्रिसत्यंसत्यस्य योनिं निहितं च सत्ये ।
सत्यस्य सत्यमृतसत्यनेत्रंसत्यात्मकं त्वां शरणं प्रपन्ना: B-10/2/26
Let's surrender to the personification of PURE TRUTH who manifests in many true ways.
रूपं यत् तत् प्राहुरव्यक्तमाद्यं
ब्रह्म ज्योतिर्निर्गुणं निर्विकारम् ।
सत्तामात्रं निर्विशेषं निरीहं
स त्वं साक्षाद् विष्णुरध्यात्मदीप: ॥ B-10/3/24
Devaki identifies Krishna as the unperceivable Brahman and the unchanging, qualitiless(Nirguana), primeval God.Everything emanates from Him the transcedental Jnana Light.
वाणी गुणानुकथने श्रवणौ कथायां
हस्तौ च कर्मसु मनस्तव पादयोर्न: ।
स्मृत्यां शिरस्तव निवासजगत्प्रणामे
दृष्टि: सतां दर्शनेऽस्तु भवत्तनूनाम् ॥ B-10/10/38
Oh God, let our words, ears, hands, minds, legs, actions, and heads are in your services always. Let our sight be on your devotees.
अहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यं नन्दगोपव्रजौकसाम् ।
यन्मित्रं परमानन्दं पूर्णं ब्रह्म सनातनम् ॥ B-10/14/32What to talk about the good fortune of Nanda, other cowherd men, and other Vraja dwellers, who have the Absolute Brahman, Transcendental Bliss, and the eternal Complete God, Sri Krishna as their, friend !!
बर्हापीडं नटवरवपु: कर्णयो: कर्णिकारं
बिभ्रद् वास: कनककपिशं वैजयन्तीं च मालाम् ।
रन्ध्रान् वेणोरधरसुधया पूरयन्गोपवृन्दै-
र्वृन्दारण्यं स्वपदरमणं प्राविशद् गीतकीर्ति: ॥ B-10/21/5 Let's visualize the most charming beauty of Krishna, which the Vruja cowherd folks sang about when He entered the Vrindavana where His footprints made the distinctions. He is in the Dancing mood with a peacock feather on the crown, Karnikara flowers on the ears, wearing a golden yellow silk garment and a Vaijayantimala, and playing the flute with nectarine music flowing from its cavities.
तव कथामृतं तप्तजीवनं
कविभिरीडितं कल्मषापहम् ।
श्रवणमङ्गलं श्रीमदाततं
भुवि गृणन्ति ये भूरिदा जना: ॥ B-10/31/9The Vraja Maidens say, "Krishna ! for our suffering lives, your story is the nectar, learned ones describe it as sin remover, for listeners very auspicious, filled with spiritual power they are chanted and spread all over the world by most of the beneficent ones."
एवं ब्रुवाणा विरहातुरा भृशं
व्रजस्त्रिय: कृष्णविषक्तमानसा: ।
विसृज्य लज्जां रुरुदु: स्म सुस्वरं
गोविन्द दामोदर माधवेति ॥ B-10/39/31The ladies of Vraja, attached very much to Krishna, knowing the imminent separation from Him, loudly cried out shamelessly, "Govinda", "Damodara" and "Madhava".
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वन्दे नन्दव्रजस्त्रीणां पादरेणुमभीक्ष्णश: ।
यासां हरिकथोद्गीतं पुनाति भुवनत्रयम् ॥ B-10/47/63Let's offer our respects to the Nanda Vraja ladies foot specks of dust, who purify the whole world by their Krishna chants.
न कामयेऽन्यं तव पादसेवना-
दकिञ्चनप्रार्थ्यतमाद्वरं विभो ।
आराध्य कस्त्वां ह्यपवर्गदं हरे
वृणीत आर्यो वरमात्मबन्धनम् ॥ B-10/51/56I do not want any BOON, other than your feet service, no non-materialist will love to have. Who will ask for some boon which will put him down into the material world bondage?... Muchukunda.
निष्किञ्चना वयं शश्वन्निष्किञ्चनजनप्रिया: ।
तस्मात् प्रायेण न ह्याढ्या मां भजन्ति सुमध्यमे ॥ B10/60/14Krishna says to Rukmini, " we have no material possession and so dear to such poor devotees, but the rich hardly worship me !!
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कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय हरये परमात्मने ।
प्रणतक्लेशनाशाय गोविन्दाय नमो नम: ॥ B-10/73/16The 20000 odd kings imprisoned by Jarasantha, who have released by Krishna, sang the glories of the Lord. And this one prayer is the most chanted mantra of Krishna, we salute Vaasudeva, who is the destroyer of our sufferings if we surrender to Him.
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पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति ।
तदहं भक्त्युपहृतमश्नामि प्रयतात्मन: ॥ B-10/81/4" If you offer me anything, leaf, flower, fruit or water, WITH LOVE AND DEVOTION, I WILL ACCEPT, GLADLY"
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निशाम्य वैष्णवं धाम पार्थ: परमविस्मित: ।
यत्किञ्चित् पौरुषं पुंसां मेने कृष्णानुकम्पितम् ॥ B-10/89/63Seeing the Vaikunta, Arjuna totally amazed and realized that whatever power one exhibits, it's due to the MERCY of Krishna.
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दुर्लभो मानुषो देहो देहिनां क्षणभङ्गुर: ।
तत्रापि दुर्लभं मन्ये वैकुण्ठप्रियदर्शनम् ॥ B-11/2/29King Videha, of the Nimi race, held a Sathram, and Sage Narada arrived at that assembly. King said, " human hood is difficult to get and is short-lived, but a DEVOTEE of Krshna is all the more difficult to see."
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कायेन वाचा मनसेन्द्रियैर्वा
बुद्ध्यात्मना वानुसृतस्वभावात् ।
करोति यद् यत् सकलं परस्मै
नारायणायेति समर्पयेत्तत् ॥ -11/2/36 Yogiswar Kavi tells Videha, " the action results of whatever we do by words, mind or by deeds should be offered to Krishna."
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ध्येयं सदा परिभवघ्नमभीष्टदोहं
तीर्थास्पदं शिवविरिञ्चिनुतं शरण्यम् ।
भृत्यार्तिहं प्रणतपाल भवाब्धिपोतं
वन्दे महापुरुष ते चरणारविन्दम् ॥ B-11/5/33
" I bow to your lotus feet, meditating which remove my difficulties fulfilling my wishes, Siva and Brahma worshipping which greatest abode, surrendered-devotees sufferings destroyer, protector, who is the boat for them to cross this ocean of birth-death cycles."
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अणुभ्यश्च महद्भ्यश्च शास्त्रेभ्य: कुशलो नर: ।
सर्वत: सारमादद्यात् पुष्पेभ्य इव षट्पद: ॥ B-11/8/10 Just as the honeybees take only nectar, from flowers, big or small, an intelligent man should take only the ESSENCE from the religious scriptures.
संसारकूपे पतितं विषयैर्मुषितेक्षणम् ।
ग्रस्तं कालाहिनात्मानं कोऽन्यस्त्रातुमधीश्वर: ॥ B-11/8/41
Human being's lives are stolen away by sense enjoyments, and they fall into the dark deep well of the material existence, and then they are caught by the deadly serpent of the Kala the time. at this juncture who other than Lord Krishna can save them?
वासे बहूनां कलहो भवेद् वार्ता द्वयोरपि ।
एक एव वसेत्तस्मात् कुमार्या इव कङ्कण: ॥ B-11/9/10If many assemble there will be quarrels, even when two meet, it will be the same. So to avoid conflict one should live alone, like the bracelet of the young girl.
न पारमेष्ठ्यं न महेन्द्रधिष्ण्यं
न सार्वभौमं न रसाधिपत्यम् ।
न योगसिद्धीरपुनर्भवं वा
मय्यर्पितात्मेच्छति मद्विनान्यत् ॥ B-11/14/14" Who has fixed their mind in ME, they want nothing other than me, no Brahma Indra's kingdom, no yoga-siddhi, not even the liberation."
नृदेहमाद्यं सुलभं सुदुर्लभं
प्लवं सुकल्पं गुरुकर्णधारम् ।
मयानुकूलेन नभस्वतेरितं
पुमान् भवाब्धिं न तरेत् स आत्महा ॥ B-11/20/17With the difficult-to-get human body easily obtained, well-made boat preceptor as the captain and favorable windblown by the Almighty, one can easily cross this ocean of birth-death cycle.
नायं जनो मे सुखदु:खहेतु-
र्न देवतात्मा ग्रहकर्मकाला: ।
मन: परं कारणमामनन्ति
संसारचक्रं परिवर्तयेद् यत् ॥ B-11/23/42Through Brahamana's song, we are informed that the real cause of our happiness and distress, is our MIND only, not the people surrounding us, not the demigods, not the body, not deeds, not the planets, and certainly, not the time also.
नमोऽस्तु ते महायोगिन् प्रपन्नमनुशाधि माम् ।
यथा त्वच्चरणाम्भोजे रति: स्यादनपायिनी ॥ B-11/29/40Uddhava saluting Krishna, the Yogiswar, says "I am surrendering to you, please instruct me, how I can have undeviating devotion to your lotus feet"
पतित: स्खलितश्चार्त: क्षुत्त्वा वा विवशो गृणन् ।
हरये नम इत्युच्चैर्मुच्यते सर्वपातकात् ॥ B-12/12/46
While falling, slipping, feeling pain, sneezing, or involuntarily chanting " HARAYE NAMAH" loudly one will be released from all his sins
भवे भवे यथा भक्ति: पादयोस्तव जायते ।
तथा कुरुष्व देवेश नाथस्त्वं नो यत: प्रभो ॥ B-12/13/22" Oh Lord, in all our lives, let there be devotion to your lotus feet,
please do the needful, Oh Lord of Lords"
नामसङ्कीर्तनं यस्य सर्वपापप्रणाशनम् ।
प्रणामो दु:खशमनस्तं नमामि हरिं परम् ॥ B/12/13/23
I bow down to the Supreme Lord Krishna, chanting names of whose, destroys all my sins, and my obeisances to Sri Hari, who removes all my miseries.
"With these words may I offer this garland of jewels to the LOTUS FEET of Sri GURUVAYURAPPA."
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