These are my own perceptions,as they occur in my mind and the insights,the interpretations and my understanding the subject matter, are there, for the public discussion..............

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wealth of the World


"Who is the wealthiest person on earth"......Forbes' list will tell it's Mukesh Ambani, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett,Carlos Slim,.....and so on. They calculate the assets of individuals to make such a list,which keeps on changing with the fluctuations of the Stock Markets and the value of their country's currency. Vedas say the whole wealth of the Universe belongs to Lakshmy and a small "Kadaksham" of the Goddess of Wealth can make anyone a billionaire. And the gentlemen or women in the Forbes list have the blessings of Goddess Lakshmy, can be believed to be true. Their dedication and hard works can be treated as "Poojas" of Mahalakshmy and the resultant wealth as Her Prasadams to them . The wealth we mean is the value of the assets one possess and this is not just the money alone,but should include the virtues as well. To our disbelief money increases when spent more and more so when spent on Charities--Bill Gates can vouch on this. Mahatmas advise spending one tenth of ones income in charities. Feeding the poor is the best charity one can think of.

LORD MAHA VISHNU is often called as "Shriyapathi" the spouse of wealth-Lakshmy, and any worship to Him will be pleasing to Lakshmy Devi also.


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