Sree Mridula Krishna Shastriji Maharaj
"Aham Atma Gudakesa, Sarva Bhoodhasayasthitha:, Aham Aadischa Madyam Cha, Bhoodhanam Anta Eva Cha."We said that the Lord or the World cannot be a source of fear for us as there is not even the slightest separation from the Lord and we, Atmas. As Krishna Himself tells in this sloka , Oh Gudakesha, I am the Self seated in the heart of all beings. I am the origin, the middle and the end also of all beings. We should know that we are the one with the Lord and that we are the fearless and Full. Then comes the question of "Sadhana" or the means. What do we require to gain this knowledge of fullness, of oneness with the Lord ? We require a mind that can discover that fullness. Lord says that there is this two-fold commitment in the world.........
Sree Bhagawan Uvacha:
" Loke asmin dvividha nishta, pura prokta maya Anagha,
Gnana yogena sankhyanam karma yogena yoginam"-3/3
[ Sree Bhagawan said......In this world, Oh Sinless one, at the begining of the creation, the two-fold pursuit was enunciated by Me; the pursuit of knowledge for the contemplative ones and the pursuit of action for the active ones,karmayogies.]
It is significant that here the Lord addresses Arjuna as the Anagha,sinless one. We' re to be sinless,if we have committed any sin the two fold Nishta, commitment prescribed by Krishna is not applicable for us. To discover the Fullness of the Self, the mind should be contemplative,simple and contented. A person who commands such a mind can commit himself or herself solely to the pursuit of knowledge. This is called the Gnana Yoga or the life of a Sanyasi. Gnana or the knowledge is the only Sadhana for such a person and nothing else. This person has no interest in Artha (Security) and Kama (Pleasures). The Lord says : "Gnana Yogena Sankhyanam" for the Sankhya or the Sanyasi is the commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. Means the Sanyasis are always on the pursuit of knowing the Self.
But suppose, because the mind is not pure, someone is not ready for a contemplative life. Contemplativeness is a disposition; one cannot command a contemplative mind. The mind cannot be contemplative as long as it is in the hold of likes and dislikes. As long as one has definite or pronounced likes and dislikes the mind will be disturbed when they are not fulfilled-when what one does not want happens or what one wants does not happen. Mind becomes contemplative when likes and dislikes are neutralised. Likes and dislikes can be neutralised by cultivating a proper attitude of the mind; they can neither be suppressed nor can they simply be given up. One has to neutralise them, grow out of them. And this is done by maintaining a certain attitude towards action and its result. And so we have another mode of life where one is no doubt , committed to knowledge as the ultimate end, but presently committed to ones own action as a means of neutralising likes and dislikes or purification of the mind. This purification of ones own mind is called the "Antahkaranasuddhi". This Antahkaranasuddhi is brought about by committing no sin, thinking of and doing only GOOD to others, and getting our minds out of Kama, Krodha, Madha and Matsarya, and keeping our minds always on the Smaranam of Lord Krishna. Always thinking of God gives us no time for the worldly crimes and makes us Sinless. This mode of life is described by Lord Krishna as the life of a Karmayogi- "Karma Yogena Yoginam". And once we lived the Karmayoga, we can move to the Sanyasa Yoga, for the pursuit of the knowledge of the SELF.