JEWELS of "GEETHA"....No:4

Tat prasadath param shantim sthanam prapsyasi shaswatham".
"Bhisha asmat vatha: pavathe, bhishodethi surya:,
Bhisha asmat agnischa indrascha, mrityur dhavathi panchama ithi."
"Out of His fear Wind blows, out of His fear the Sun rises,Out of His fear runs Fire as also Indra and Death,the fifth." It is clear that the Lord is a cause of fear for us also.In the Sreemad Bhagawatham also the Lord clearly states that:
"Mad bhayad vathi vathoyam,Surya sthapathi Mad bhayad,
Varshathindro dahatyagnir Mrityuscharathi Mad bhayad"-3/26/42.
The same Upanishad is totally repeated by Him here to make the thing doubly True. So it is not a surprise that we too have the sense of fear from Him. The Lord who is separate from us definitely becomes the cause of fear because He is the ordainer of the results of our deeds. Fear crops up wherever there is even the slightest division. So what shall we do ? In answer to this question the Lord Krishna says.................................
" Maya Tatam idam sarvam, jagat avyaktha murthina,
Masthani Sarva Bhoothani, Na cha Aham teshu avasthitha:."--9/4
[This whole world is pervaded by Me, by My unmanifest form. All beings exist in Me, but I do not dwell in them.]
The Lord says that He is present in all the creations. Upanishad also says ..."Isha Vasyam idam sarvam........." that every thing is made up of Him. He is the creator and the materials for creation as well, just as the spider builds its web, God has created the entire Jagat. But He says that He is in the unmanifest form and that is why we are not seeing Him in every things around us. He is the Paramatma and we are all Jeeva Atmas, and He is present in us in ever so infinitesimal measure. We are all pervaded by Him.So why to think that He is the cause of fear for us.When we are the part and parcel of the Jagadheeswar, because the Lord has created us and for that matter this whole Jagat by His own materials as there was nothing in this Jagat before the creations started.There was only Sree Krishna and Krishna alone. God says that His existence does not depend upon the materials of this world, but their existence depends upon Him. They are what they are in virtue of the Lord. the Self underlying them all. Hence the world abides in the Lord and the Lord is not separate from us, the "Self". So the individual (Jeeva), the world (Jagat), and the Lord (Ishwara), are not really three separate entities-- they are one. There is not even the slightest separation from we individuals, the Lord and the World and hence the Lord or the World cannot be a sourcve of fear for us.
And why should one have a fear for the God. Some say a devotional man to be God Fearing,but we should say that he is God Loving. One has to be devoted to Him and actually Love Him,instead of having a fear for Him. When we do some wrong deeds, we sure have to have a fear of the results, such deeds will deliver to us. And stop doing such an act and just devote our time for the worship of our beloved Gods. Good or bad our own Karmas have their Phalams and these phalams are not controlled by the Lord. So let us be free to Love Him instead of fearing Him. Perhaps that is what He meant when He said that I do not dwell in them. And all the Universe is in His stomach at the time of the Maha Pralaya and He said that all beings exist in Me. When we understand the Atma Tatwam, the knowledge of the Self, we Jeeva Atmas will have a tendency to unite with the Param Atma, that is Sree Krishna. All the Bhajans and Namasankeerthanams on Sree Guruvayurappa will take us towards this Knowledge of the Self, which could take us to His Param Dham.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.