Bhagawatham-10.03-Vrindavana Leela-1
"Barhapeetam Natavaravapu: Karnayo: Karnikaram,
Bibrath Vasa: kanaka kapeesam Vaijayantheem cha Malam,
Ranthran venoradhara sudhaya poorayan gopavrindair,
vrindaranyam swapada ramanam pravishat geetha kirthi: "
Bhagawan continued His Dushta Nigraha by eliminating Valsasura , Bakasura and Aghasura and at the same time playing with the Gopa balas as Himself a Gopa. The Vana Bhojanam Leela with His friends is the most watched one by the Devas and Demigods from the above and Brahmaji of all others had wondered how this gopala could be the Paramatma and wanted to test Him---nay..actually Brahma wanted to take part in Krishna's Leelas. So Brahma took all the Gopaganas and the cow herds to His Brahma lokam. Balakrishna came to know the trick by Brahmaji and alas........created the same Gopaganas and the cow-herds by His Divya Shakthi--no, He became the many cows and Gopas by Himself--"Aneka roopa roopaya,Vishnave Prabhu Vishnave". And when Brahmaji came back to Vrindavan, He could see each and every Gopa and cow as the Neelamegha Shyamala Krishna and isn't it what Brahmaji longed to see. Brahmaji returned the original cows and the gopas to Krishna and made the Shtuthi of the Paramatma , more than convinced that Krishna Himself is the Param Satyam and Param Atma.And Brahmaji had this to say about,not Krishna,but the Gopaganas...........
"Aho Bhagyamaho Bhagyam, Nandagopa Vrajaukasam,
Yanmitram Paramanandam, Poornam Brahma Sanadanam"-
Krishna reached five and half years of age-the Pauganta age- He along with Balarama started Gocharan that is to take the cowherds to the forest for the grass feeding ,and killed the Dhenukasura. Once Garuda was fishing in the Kalindhi river when Saubhari Maharshi saw and cursed Garuda that if he fished again in Kalindhi ,he will die because Mararshi was brazing the fishes with love there. And when Bali,who was feeding Garuda with snakes was eaten by Kaliya the poisonous snake,Garuda was after Kaliya and to avoid him Kaliya settled at Kalindhi river.And this was in the Yamuna river which was dear to Sree Krishna in Vrindavan. Due to the poison of Kaliya the Yamuna got contaminated and the cows and other animals who drank Yamuna water became sick due to poison. Krishna could not remain a silent spectator when his dear ones were getting affected by Kaliya,He jumped into the river and straight away went on the heads of Kaliya and started dancing. This is the famous Kaliya Mardanam of the Lord all the Devatas witnesswed the scene from the top. Kaliya was in pains and the his wife -the Naga Patni- started praying the Lord asking Him to pardon her husband. In her sthuthi she prays that the Nagas need nothing but the Krishna bhakthi and His Padaraja: --"..........Vanchanthi yat Padaraja: Prapanna:" The Kripalu Krishna pardoned Kaliya and asked him to go to Ramanaka island in the sea where Garuda will not disturb the Nagas. The complete surrender to the God can save us from all the sins we perpetuate in our lives, because He is the Karuna Moorthy--Anyatha Sharanam Nasti !